YEAR OF THE FISH is a rotoscoped/animated feature film based on a 9th century Chinese variant of the fairy tale Cinderella, set in a massage parlor in modern-day New York’s Chinatown. This offbeat love story stars acclaimed actress Tsai Chin (Joy Luck Club), Randall Duk Kim (The Matrix Reloaded), Ken Leung (Rush Hour, Lost), and introduces An Nguyen as the lovely Ye Xian. It is narrated by a magical carp. The film was executive produced by Janet Yang (The Joy Luck Club) and produced by Rocco Caruso (Three Backyards). Kaplan’s screenplay was developed at the Sundance Screenwriters and Directors Labs and was the recipient of a 2005 Annenberg Fellowship. YEAR OF THE FISH had its world premiere as an Official Selection of the 2007 Sundance Film Festival and was named “Best Film” at the 2007 Avignon Film Festival, “Best Film” at the 2007 Asheville Film Festival, won the Audience Award at the 2007 Independent Film Festival of Boston, and was nominated for the Piaget Producers Award at the 2009 Independent Spirit Awards. (Feature film. 2007. 96 min.)
IMAGINATION, CHARM… FANTASTICAL DELIGHTS” – Jeannette Catsoulis, The New York Times.
“Appears to have leapt directly from a painted Chinese screen onto the silver screen.” – Bob Mondello, NPR.